Today's cards are all made from a HOTP card kit - supplemented with things from my stash. The card you see above is actually the third card that I made from this one set.
Card #1:
I started with the background paper & coordinating border. Then I cut some circles & a flower (Spellbinders Blossom 5) that sort of repeated one of the motifs in the background paper. I inked all the edges & glued it in place. The sentiment was stamped with a stamp from Gemini's Peek-a-boo Cat stamp and die set and added with a small foam square in the center for added dimensional interest. I finished the card front with a bow made with ribbon from my stash.
I quickly finished the inside with leftover paper from the card front (once again I inked the edges).
Card #2:
For this second card, I chose to use the green paper as the background paper, supplemented with paper scraps and cut outs from the kit. In addition, I added a stamped vellum piece and a ribbon from my stash.
As you can see, I used more elements from the kit & some scraps for the inside. The stamped greeting was from Hunkydory's Perfect Pastimes stamp set. It actually came curved so I had to force the sentiment to stamp straighter. Then I heat embossed with white powder.
Card #3:
Purple was the 3rd color of patterned paper that came in the one card kit. This time, after cutting it to the size to fit on the card front, I cut a lacy pattern out of it using dies called Georgette Squares by Tattered Lace. I used the same set to cut a white mat for the focal - a printed vellum piece from my stash. The tag was a cut out from the set.
I will probably stamp messages on the inside, but haven't yet figured out what I want to do.
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