I should have taken a picture that showed the dimension better, but I don't have the energy right now to go get set up to take another. Today's card is for a July swap called "beverage swap". While I don't drink alcohol, you can usually get a virgin cocktail at places like this!
Materials used were a Mini Bricks stencil from The Crafter's Workshop, Inks from my stash, and 3 Little Book of High Street pages - along with acetate & adhesives including foam tape.
I started by stenciling a brick background - but unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?) turned the stencil 90 degrees from what I had intended. Then I glued one little book page to a piece of card stock & cut out the center. After tracing the resulting window onto my card front, I cut out an aperture on the card front. Then I cut a piece of acetate slightly larger than the window & glued to the back of the little book page (that had been glued to card stock & cut). I used foam tape to adhere this to the card front, centering it over the aperture. Then I took parts of a second identical little book page, glued it to card stock & cut out the table, chairs, drinks on the table, and awning and added them - some with foam tape for dimension. Finally I cut the "EVERY HOUR IS" from another little book page and added it across the corner of the window.
Inside I first attached the cut out piece with all the drinks & bottles, centering it so that it was behind the acetate window and could be seen from the front of the card. Above this I glued the words "Happy Hour" - cut from the same page as the words on the card front. However, I had to go over the words with a yellow marker to change the pink to more of an orange so it coordinated with the card better! That completed my card.
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