Friday, September 19, 2014

Mini Envelopes

Over the next several days I'll be showcasing some 3" x 3" mini cards (you can see one peeking out from behind the envelope in the picture above).  First, though, I'll show how I made the envelopes.

Supplies: plain white paper, my Martha Stewart scoreboard, a paper cutter, scissors, bone folder, and my trusty ATG gun.

I first cut the paper into 5 1/2 inch squares.  Then, using the envelope adapter on my scoreboard, I laid it as shown below with the corner at the 6" mark.  I scored along the 4 3/8" line and then rotated and did the same for all 4 corners (I drew pen lines along the score lines so they would show up in the picture!).

Next I creased well along these score lines with a bone folder and then cut out the little triangles formed in the center of each edge, rounding the corners a bit as you can see in this next picture:

I did that for each side, and then folded the edges in to form an envelope.  I decided to trim the upper edges of the side flaps so it would be easier to slide the cards in and out.  As you can see here, I trimmed from the corner of the flap to the upper corner of the envelope on each side:

I folded the side flaps in, gluing them together where they overlapped, then folded the bottom edge up and glued it in place. I used my ATG for the adhesive since I can control it easily to avoid getting glue on the inside of the envelope.

Usually, I just use my ATG gun to seal the envelopes, but since these were going for a swap, I decided to try a "Lick and Stick" glue that is supposed to dry and then let you moisten it to activate the glue - just like a store-bought envelope. I don't remember where I got it, but this is the glue that I used:

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