Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Using Your Foil Papier Tole Scraps

This card is a bit hard to see. It is all metallic, so doesn't show as well in a picture. It is an example of making good use of scraps.  The main focal is a 3-d Papier Tole heart design from Hot Off the Press.  You can see the set it comes in below:
After punching out all the elements of the 3 different designs, I took a look at the remaining scraps to see what I might be able to use.  First, I trimmed off the lacy edge of the title of this papier tole sheet. Then I trimmed off the other three edges of the sheet. You can see that I used several of these strips to form borders on the card.

Next I used all the remaining scraps to punch as many hearts as I could from the red foil.  I used the smallest Xyron sticker maker to make them into stickers.  I used these hearts to help decorate the card in addition to the extra artwork that came with the foil papier tole.

1 comment:

Carol J said...

Great idea, I wouldn't have thought of using the left over paper - you get more bang for your buck, good job !

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