Saturday, March 3, 2012

Handling Challenges - Picture too small

For this scrapbook page, all I had was a VERY small picture, and the resolution was such that I could NOT scan it in for a better size.  What to do?  As you can see, I decided to go with a rather wide mat.  That helped, but it still wasn't enough to really carry the page.  Since the page was about a career teaching dance, I decided to cut out a silhouette of a couple dancing (with my Silhouette!) to add to the page.  To ensure that this rather large silhouette didn't over power the picture and fight for focal, I placed the title running across it, and several sparkly stickers near the focal picture to draw the eye. A couple more sparkly stickers help create movement around the page and take the eye to each element.

P.S. for my loyal followers who may have noticed my absence, I do apologize!  I have still been battling illness and fatigue.  Hopefully that is nearly behind me now, and I'll be able to get back to regular posting once again!

1 comment:

Carol J said...

Nice layout with the small picture, you did a great job.

I hope you are feeling better, it isn't much fun to feel bad and tired. Take care. Carol J

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