Yesterday I showed a couple of pictures of a scrapbook pages from the memory book I just finished. Today I'll show you how I handled a specific challenge I faced with it. (This picture is actually more of a light pink than it looks.) Most of the pages were entries that other people supplied -- I had asked for a picture of them & a message to their teachers. In this case, the person wrote a BOOK! Even using fairly small type, there was no room for their photo! I solved this problem by printing their photo on a little card like this: (personal contact information has been blurred)
I then took an A2 envelope that I had that coordinated with the paper (all in shades of light pink - though the pictures don't show the pink as well as they should). I sealed the envelope and cut off one side to form a pocket. I used a circle punch to punch a half circle in the scrapbook page and the front edge of the envelope pocket, then created a pull tab with a little tag - all attached with eyelets & ribbon. Voila - picture can be pulled out to be seen, but the message is intact.
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