Monday, July 25, 2011

Chalking Effects

This dual-page spread illustrates how chalk can be used to support a theme.  In this case, I was showing pictures of a visit to some caves where the walls were really dry (in contrast to some other caves we went to that had a bunch of water in them, flowing over the walls and even creating a bit of a stream in the floor of the cave). 

If you look closely at the pictures you can see that these dry caves had all sorts of little lines running here and there in the walls.  I wanted my pages to reflect the feel of the place so did a couple of things.  First, the mat and pictures are cut out with little squiggles and such to reflect the rugged nature of the caves.  Backing the yellow mat with black helped create some of the feel, but I wanted more.  So, I took the edge of a piece of pastel chalk and drew a bunch of fine jagged lines as you can see. 

Other options for creating a similar look might be to use paint or ink and a fine liner brush, or perhaps to just draw the lines with a very fine pen.

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