Sunday, May 22, 2011

Scrapbooking Challenges Part 8 - Skewed Picture.

When I started working with this particular scrapbook page, I wanted to include this photo. But the horizon line slanted so badly in the photo that it looked pretty ridiculous to put it in as it was.  If I cropped the picture so the horizon was straight and the photo was still rectangular, I lost too much of the view.  Then I realized I could crop it so it looked diamond shaped with the top & bottom of the "diamond" cut off.  This would retain the bulk of what I wanted to see in the photo and allow me to make the horizon look straight!  Here's what I ended up with:

I think it makes it look like I took an imaginative photo at an angle rather than that I fixed a mess I had made!

1 comment:

Becca Sadler said...

super! I like the layout page! With the other photos included, it gives you an idea what the area/geography is--a whole perspective. Using the complementary colors makes your blues really vivid!

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