In the past I've posted about using scraps from scrapbooking to create your cards. Of course, scraps from ANYTHING can be useful - for cards AND for scrapbook pages. Here are a couple of examples - a card and a scrapbook page - using scraps I had on hand.
If you look closely, you can see that I framed the bottom photo and the sides of the bottom journaling with the SCRAPS from using the punch to frame the items on the rest of the page! From time to time I find I am running out of a particular color of paper that I've been using and that really inspires me to make use of every scrap!
This card was made using strips of scraps to create the background. The small gingerbread paper is actually the base card I used, but I obviously covered quite a bit of it with scraps from other papers. I can't remember where everything came from, but I know the larger gingerbread cookies came from one of my favorite sites -
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