Saturday, November 6, 2010

What's in a Word?

I've been thinking about the season we are in right now.  We call it by two different names: Fall, and Autumn.  It strikes me that what we call it might have an affect on how we experience it. 

To me, the term Fall, speaks about plants losing their leaves and the work involved in raking them, and annuals dying as the weather gets colder.

The word Autumn, on the other hand, engenders thoughts of brilliantly colored leaves and a crisp breeze that wakes me up to the world. It brings thoughts of gratitude and wonder. 

While there may be times when I need to focus on Fall in my papercrafting - such as when I remember someone who has died - I find I want to have most of my papercrafting (scrapbook pages AND cards) focused on the glory of Autumn, and my gratitude for God's care and for the many blessings in my life.

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