Sunday, November 21, 2010

By The Numbers - One Photo Layout

Usually when I create my scrapbook pages, one of the first things I look at is how many pictures I'll be putting on the page.  We all have days when we're feeling more creative than others.  Here's a single photo page I did on one of those days of LESS inspiration.

It's not bad, but several like this would get rather boring.  As I mentioned in another post (organizing your ideas), I have folders on my computer with pictures of layouts organized by how many photos they have on them.   Here I store pictures of layouts I really like, based on how many pictures they have on them.  Then when I'm not feeling particularly inspired, I can look at through these pictures to help spark those creative juices.  Here's an example of a single photo layout I designed with a bit more "pizzaz" that I've saved for inspiration.

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